Edward Theodore Goede
born May 16, 1892 (3?), Burlington
died Feb. 15, 1954, Burlington
buried Aspen Grove
served in WWI, 109th Iowa Ammunition Train, Company A,
in France and on Mexican border, discharged 1920
headstone: IA Cpl 382 SVC Park Unit MTC WWI
carpenter/contractor, specialized in laying/refurbishing floors
member of Carpenter's Union, Moose, Eagles, active in veteran's groups
married Hulda Natsell March 1, 1921, Burlington; on March 23, 1921, he bought the lot at 101 N. Gunnison (corner of Market), where he and Hulda lived the rest of their lives
they lived at 109 N. Garfield in November of 1921, when their first son was born, probably waiting for Ed to finish building the house
never joined Messiah Lutheran Church with wife, nor attended
Hulda Alida Natsell Goede
born Aug. 11, 1893, Burlington
died Dec. 11, 1963, Burlington
buried Aspen Grove
baptized Oct. 15, 1893, Messiah Lutheran Church
sponsors: N.T. Bergstrom & W. Mathilda Christina Bergstrom
confirmed May 24, 1908, Messiah LC
active church member, member of King's Daughters, long-time secretary of Mustard Seed Circle
Edward Theodore
born Nov. 10, 1921, Burlington
died Sept. 27, 1923, Burlington
buried Aspen Grove
Emma Louise
born either March 4 (death certificate), 1924, Burlington
died from premature birth March 5, 1924, Burlington
Robert Eldon
unnamed infant, born alive at 36 weeks
born and died July 5, 1930, Burlington
March 23, 1922
John Pierson
Edward & Hulda Goede
Lot 135 in Smith's Addition to Burlington (NW corner of Gunnison & Market)
This was the house where my dad lived until he married
May 24, 1930
Edward & Hulda Goede
John A. Dalin
west 45 feet of Lot 135 in Smith's Addition to Burlington (for a garage)