from Henry County (Iowa) probate records
Mary Palm estate
administrator, J.E. Palm
date of death, Jan. 17, 1921
date of commission, Jan. 26, 1928
five heirs to the estate, four children and one granddaughter who inherits the share of one daughter (this is Hulda Goede - her mother Emma died in 1917)
total value of land and assets, $13,571.55
(see document for descriptions of land parcels, assets)
Emil Palm estate
administrator, J.E. Palm
date of death, April 5, 1928
date of commission, April 11, 1929
three heirs to the estate, siblings Johan, Augusta and Hulda
total value of assets, $4,961.40
(see document for description of assets - no land - interesting piece is note of nephew Erwin for $2,500)
C.A. Burke estate (Juvey Bjork Palm's father)
administrator C.(?) Morgan
date of death, May 4, 1924
date of commission, Aug. 1, 1924
Emily A. Burke, widow, age 78, Swedesburg
Nora, Viola, Erwin and Elvin, grandchildren
Swedesburg Evangelical Lutheran Church
children of A.L. Jarl: Edward, Joseph, Ruth and Frank
Viola Burke, sole heir of G.J. Burke, deceased (perhaps a niece?)
total value of assets, $42,148.55
(see document for description of land parcels, assets)
J.E. Palm will, dated Sept. 11, 1939
administrators, Elvin Palm and Nora Palm Nelson
to Viola, E 1/2 of W 1/2 of Block 10, Swedesburg
Irvin had already received $2,500; so equal sums to Nora, Viola & Elvin
balance divided between the four children
died July 27, 1940
E 1/2 of the W 1/2 of Block 10, Swedesburg
estimated value $800
E 1/2 of NW 1/4 &
NW 1/4 of NE 1/4, 35-73-6
estimated value $15,000
see will for long, detailed list of other assets
two claims against the estate: six-month loan of $300 from Farmers Bank of Winfield to Carl Nelson and J.E. Palm, granted Jan. 29, 1940; the second, a personal note to Frans Olson, same amount, same signees, dated Feb. 21, 1940
Viola Palm (notes from long probate record)
Roger Hanze, executor
$100 to Bethphage Mission, Axtell, Neb.
$100 to Swedesburg Lutheran Church
remainder to surviving siblings (Nora, Irvin, Elven)
estate valued at $45,130.89 (including about $400 in crops)
house (E 1/2 of W 1/2 of Blk 10, Swedesburg) sold for $1,750
this was way under assessed value
Irwin Palm (notes from long probate record)
daughter Marian executor
NE 1/4 of 11-73-6
160 acre farm
about $38,000 in cash
$31,000 in crops
Elvin Palm (notes from long probate record)
died of old age
everything to Nellie, then to two sons
Nellie, executor (but by the time Elvin died, she was in a Winfield nursing home, petitioned for sons to be executors)
N 1/2 of SE 1/4 &
SW 1/4 of NW 1/4, 33-73-6
120 acres
about $780 in assets
about $30,000 in cash
estate valued at $201,441.71
from Swedish Heritage Society files, museum & archives, Swedesburg
Block 10, Lot 7 (Swedesburg)
P.L. Anderson
August Palm
March 5, 1902
Ed Palm (this is Johan Edward)
Augusta Anderson
Aug. 10, 1923
Frank Anderson (
J.E. Palm
Oct. 26, 1936
J.E. Palm estate
to Viola Palm
Jan. 20, 1948
Viola Palm
Edward Owen
Nov. 24, 1972
Edward Owen
Swedesburg Apartments, Inc.
July 11, 1975
Block 6 Lot 3 (Swedesburg)
Trustee Swedish Lutheran Church
Christina Johnson
April 13, 1911
Christina Johnson estate
Emma Mary Johnson
April 8, 1939
Emma Mary Johnson
Carl Nelson
July 27, 1955
Swedish Lutheran Church
Carl Nelson
Oct. 5, 1955
Carl Nelson estate
Darrel Schultz
Sept. 24, 1975
from Henry County (Iowa) grantor/grantee records
Peter August Palm properties
Augusta M. Anderson
August Palm
June 20, 1896
NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of 26-73-6
40 acres
P.L. Anderson & wife (Betty)
August Palm & wife
March 5, 1902
E 1/2 of Lots 5 & 6, all of Lot 7, Block 10, Swedesburg
John Edward Palm, et al (Augusta Matilda Anderson, Carl Emil Palm, Hulda Emilia & Joseph Erickson, Hulda Alida & Ed Goede)
Charlie Ingmanson
Aug. 9, 1921
NE 1/4 of 26-73-6
J.E. Palm, et al (Hulda & Joseph Erickson, Hulda & Ed Goede)
Augusta Anderson
Aug. 10, 1923
E 1/2 of Lots 5 & 6, all of Lot 7, Block 10, Swedesburg
Johann Edward Palm properties
Heirs of A.M. Erickson (many, including Joseph & Hulda Erickson)
Johann Edward Palm
NW 1/4 of NE 1/4, 35-73-6
Elvin Nathaniel Palm, et al (Nora Palm Nelson, co-executor, Viola Palm & Irvin Palm)
M.M. Eppers
Nov. 4, 1941
E 1/2 of NW 1/4 &
NW 1/4 of NE 1/4, 35-73-6
Elven Palm properties
(all of the following five deeds deal with Elven's one Wayne Township farm property; all are attempts to give him clear title)
Louise Johnson, Executrix (widow of Kenneth Johnson)
Elven Palm
Aug. 24, 1942
executor's deed
N 1/2 of SE 1/4 &
S 1/2 of SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4, 33-73-6
120 acres
Mary Johnson, Helena M. Johnson, Waldo A. & Hattie Johnson
Elven Palm
Dec. 9, 1942
N 1/2 of SE 1/4 &
N 1/2 of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4, 33-73-6
(warranty deed for second parcel; see quit claim deed below)
Louise Johnson
Elvin Palm
Feb. 19, 1943
quit claim deed
N 1/2 of SE 1/4 &
S 1/2 of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4, 33-73-6
Anna M. Wolin
Elven N. Palm
April 20, 1943
quit claim deed
N 1/2 of SE 1/4 &
SW 1/4 of NE 1/4, 33-73-6
F.A. Morgan, Administrator (estate of Christina M. Johnson)
Elven Palm
July 14, 1943
administrator's deed
N 1/2 of SE 1/4, 33-73-6
Elvin & Nellie Palm
Iowa State Highway Commission
Feb. 14, 1958
portion of N 1/2 of SE 1/4, 33-73-6 (1.3 acres)
for construction of Hwy. 218
Viola Palm & Irvin Palm joint property
Elvin Palm, et al (Nellie Palm, Nora Palm Nelson & Carl Nelson)
Irvin Palm & wife (this is a mistake; this is his sister, Viola Palm; see quit claim deed below)
Feb. 8, 1936
warranty deed
NE 1/4, 11-73-6
160 acres
Viola Palm
Irvin L. Palm
March 2, 1955 (two months later, Irvin's daughter Marian is declared his new permanent guardian; mention in this deed that in 1936, Irvin was still considered competent)
quit claim deed
Viola deeds one-quarter interest in above property (NE 1/4, 11-73-6) to Irvin; although the earlier deed from 1936 gave her a legal one-half interest in the property, for some reason, Irvin and family understood that he had a larger, three-quarter interest in this property; this deed makes that understanding legal
Viola Augusta Palm Estate
Irvin L. Palm
Sept. 17, 1973
remaining one-quarter interest in above property deeded to Irvin
Helen & Marian Palm properties
John D. & Cleo B. Chrisinger
Mrs. Helen G. Palm
July 21, 1944
N 1/2 of Lots 4 & 5, Block 1, Petterson's Addition to Town of Winfield
John D & Cleo B. Chrisinger
R. Marian Palm
July 21, 1944 (two months after Marian's 21st birthday)
N 1/2 of Lots 4 & 5, Block 1, Petterson's Addition to Town of Winfield
other Palms mentioned in index:
Edward H.
Florence E.
John W. (Henry County Treasurer, many property transactions)
Mary C., Robert E., Edward A. & Charles (possibly related to another Peter Palm)
from Henry County tax records
not in 1879 New London Township tax rolls
1880 - August Palm, New London Township
value personalty, 122'
total value of property, 122
consolidated taxes for the year, $1.22
.50 poll tax
unlike others, no description of any land; his name appeared last among the Ps; unlike others, no note
that he paid
1881 - August Palm, New London Township
value land, $121.15 (or $12,115?; hard to read decimal, but $121 is more likely; unlike others, no description of land)
value personalty $17.74
total value of all property $144.95
consolidated taxes for the year, $2.14
taxes in category #1, $1.07
.50 poll tax
total taxes paid, $3.71 (unlike others, no note he paid)
1882 - August Palm, New London Township
only his name appears, nothing else; written at the end of the Ps, in a different hand
couldn't locate 1883 book